Thought Leadership | Experience Design Driven by Evidence, Not Just Opinions

UX Australia: culturally inclusive design podcast

Written by blueegg HQ | September 13, 2017 at 1:00 AM

Australia is a multicultural country, and home to many multinational brands. Sadly, many websites, mobile apps and other digital touchpoints often overlook the significance of catering for multicultural backgrounds. With different cultures come different expectations of usability, language, design, interactions and affordances.

Culturally insensitive mistakes equate to exit points on the customer journey, lost sales, and a negative customer experience.

Using in-person as well as new qualitative video techniques we are making culturally inclusive design a reality for innovative brands like online travel booking service, HotelsCombined. blueegg used mobile video technology as well as face to face interviews for its quantitative and qualitative surveys of 40 participants in Sydney and Korea as part of its research-based approach to culturally inclusive design for HotelsCombined recently.

As experience designers, it’s time we recognise cultural differences as a key part of the research process and my talk aims to provide you with a framework based on direct experience into how this can be achieved.

Listen to the recording of the Culturally Inclusive Design talk here.