
EUXSyd 2019 May Meetup

Written by blueegg HQ | May 20, 2019 11:52:00 PM


Welcome to the EUXSyd May 2019 Meetup

We are excited to announce our second speaker who will be joining Jacqui Le Vieux, Experience Design Lead at the National Australia Bank at our May Meetup is Jonnie Farrell, who has worked with a number of startups including Airtasker as their Senior Product Designer.

Jacqui's talk will be on - Design Sprint 2.0: solving big problems in less time!

Jonnie will be talking on - Static vs Real - what you can learn by moving concepts from prototypes to real applications.

We are at the usual spot on Level 3, 17-19 Bridge St and will have food, wine, water and beer from 6pm before we start our talks around 6:30. Look forward to seeing you all and to getting EUXSyd started in 2019.

Jacqui has been working in the product design and development world for the last 10 years. Jacqui relishes understanding complex customer problems and needs, identifying business and technology outcomes in order to empower people to work together with these at the centre of their decision making to drive the business value.

Jonnie, through his own sheer frustration, has developed a framework to spin up real, working prototypes that allows him to design businesses and move a concept all the way through to market readiness. Using a tool called Ruby on Rails, we'll explore how you can move from static mockups, to real market-ready applications.

Reserve your seat on Meetup

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainDigital and blueegg