
EUXSyd 2020 July Meetup

Written by blueegg HQ | Jul 23, 2023 10:55:00 AM


Welcome to the EUXSydney 2020 July Meetup!

After our first EUX Conference in June, we are super excited to kickoff our next meetup on the 23rd of July. Super excited to announce our speaker for July is Alex Cheek, Chief Designer at a Growing A.I start up Mimesis. Alex will be talking about Leading Design for a “Start-up in Lockdown."

Alex has worked with Some of Australia’s largest enterprises such as AMP & Salesforce and in recent months he has Lead strategic projects for Meld Studios. With a Background in anthropology and a lengthy career in strategy, Alex will have some great nuggets of information to share around navigating within a growing business in unfortunate times.

We also have Adam Faulkner from blueegg and our meetup giving a redux from EUX Conference 2020 for those who couldn't join on the day.

This is happening via Zoom webinar and you will receive the link details once you rsvp. Look forward to seeing you all online and to another awesome EUXSyd.

Reserve your seat on Meetup!

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainDigital and blueegg.