
EUXSyd 2020 November Meetup

Written by blueegg HQ | Nov 19, 2020 9:42:00 AM


Welcome to the EUXSydney 2020 November Meetup!

Just like that, we are at our final EUXSyd meetup for 2020. It has been an amazing year and we have all adapted and changed to work, life and meetups in such an incredible year. We are super excited to announce our final speaker will be Michelle Pickrell, User Insights Lead at eHealth (part of NSW Health) and previously User Research Lead at the DTA.

Michelle is talking about “Understanding user needs during COVID-19.” This talk will explore the lessons learned from a design team when working remotely on a large scale, fast-paced, government program at the start of COVID- 19. Michelle will share reflections on how to continue to understand user needs when there are barriers to conducting research as well as tips, tricks and tools for conducting remote research.

Michelle Pickrell is a User Experience Designer who is passionate about designing for empowerment. Michelle has worked in the UX industry since 2012 and has enjoyed problem-solving with a range of government and private organisations. She has also just finished her PhD which is focused on the design of interactive rehabilitation equipment which delivers feedback to stroke patients while they are undergoing rehabilitation. As with all events this year, this will be a zoom webinar with event details sent to you once you rsvp.

Reserve your seat on Meetup!

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainDigital and blueegg.