
EUXSyd 2022 November Meetup

Written by blueegg HQ | Nov 24, 2022 8:16:00 AM


It’s nearly time for the November EUXSyd meetup!

This month we’ll be unpacking “What’s in a method?” from Senior Product Researcher at BILL, Janani Venkataraman. Janani will be demonstrating how adaptability is one of the greatest skills a person can have in product UX; adapting methods to situations, adapting approaches to problems and adapting attitudes to team needs. Hope to see you there!!

Janani started her research career in marketing research. After working as a quantitative researcher for a number of years, a client side research role embedded within the product team was her foray into the world of product/design research.

We are back where it all began on Thursday the 24th of November on level 3, 17-19 Bridge Street at Tank Stream Labs. We will have pizzas, wine, networking from 6pm and then get started with our talk from 6:30pm.

Reserve your seat on Meetup!

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainDigital and blueegg.