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   March 23, 2023

EUXSyd 2023 March Meetup

blueegg & SustainRecruit

   Tank Stream Labs
   11 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000
   6:00pm - 7:30pm AEDT


It’s 2023 and time for EUXSyd again!

To kick off this year, we’ll be hearing from Tomas Haffenden from Torrens University about “How to cheat your way to UX excellence: The MyHub Story”.

In this session, Tomas will share the challenges of building a Service Design function from scratch and how a commitment to its key principles revealed insights and opportunities that led to the development of MyHub. A platform that has enhanced engagement, increased retention and saved thousands of business hours.

We’ll be meeting up on Thursday the 23rd of March on level 6, 11 York Street at Tank Stream Labs. We will have pizzas, wine, networking from 6pm and then get started with our talk from 6:30pm.

We can’t wait to see you at our first EUXSyd meetup in 2023!

Reserve your seat on Meetup.

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainRecruit and blueegg.


It’s 2023 and time for EUXSyd again!

To kick off this year, we’ll be hearing from Tomas Haffenden from Torrens University about “How to cheat your way to UX excellence: The MyHub Story”.

In this session, Tomas will share the challenges of building a Service Design function from scratch and how a commitment to its key principles revealed insights and opportunities that led to the development of MyHub. A platform that has enhanced engagement, increased retention and saved thousands of business hours.

We’ll be meeting up on Thursday the 23rd of March on level 6, 11 York Street at Tank Stream Labs. We will have pizzas, wine, networking from 6pm and then get started with our talk from 6:30pm.

We can’t wait to see you at our first EUXSyd meetup in 2023!

Reserve your seat on Meetup.

Enterprise UX Sydney is proudly co-hosted by SustainRecruit and blueegg.